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Contact Us

Frequent Questions

Customer Service

Email Address
If you have an issue with a customer service rep, please Click Here to directly contact the person in charge of customer services. Do not use this medium for other inquiries.

Other Contacts

Press Contacts
Please use this Form for all press inquiries. If you aren’t a member of the press, you will not receive a response. Our general inquiry email or phone number should not be used for press inquiries.
To advertise on Dorm Mom's website, vans or mobile apps, please contact our Advertising Sales Department. You will be required to provide some detailed information about the product you would like to advertise to get a quote.
Sales & Marketing
Marketing Representatives that use our general inquiry phone or emails will not be considered. Please use this Form to sell your products to Dorm Mom.

Mobile Apps Support

College Guide
Dorm Mom developed the iPad app "College Search Guide". This application is for anyone across the world looking to enroll in a college or university in the United States.
Stock Alerts
Even though we are not a finance company, Dorm Mom is very proud to develop one of the best apps in the Apple Apps Store for monitoring the stock market with real-time notifications. Check it Out.
Mobile Dorm Mom Store
Dorm Mom is developing an app that will enable you to place orders, view and pay bills, browse services, change scheduling and view other account information on your iPad and iPhone.

Send Us a Message

We'll do our best to get back to you within 6-8 working hours.
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Policies: Privacy, Terms and Refund

Dorm Mom respects your privacy and does not share information you provide us with any third party except when required by law. To view the complete text of our privacy policy visit the Privacy Policy Statement page.
Terms of Use
Your use of Dorm Mom’s products, services and web sites is subject to the terms of a legal agreement between you and Dorm Mom. Please review our Terms of Service to understand your relationship with Dorm Mom as a customer and website visitor and how it affects our liability and your responsibilities.
Refund Policy
We believe you should be satisfied with any service you pay and would refund the money you pay if you ask to cancel or not satisfied with the service. Please review our Refund Policy for the terms of all potential refunds and exchanges.

Safety and Security

Dorm Mom runs background checks on all of our employees and you should be rest assured your items will be safe with us. Third party providers are also required to run checks against all workers and provide Dorm Mom with proof of these checks. If you have any safety concerns with a Dorm Mom representative or if you know of a safety or abuse problem with any of Dorm Mom's services, we'd like to hear about it right away. please call us at 1-877-478-5332 or email us at Email Address

Legal Inquiries, Trademarks and Permissions

Contact our Legal Team if you have any inquiries about the legality of information appearing on our site. The Legal Team will process any reporting of content that you believe warrants removal from Dorm Mom's services based on applicable laws.
The Dorm Mom "brand features" (a legal term that includes our trademarks, logos, web pages, screenshots, or other distinctive elements) are registered trademarks and copyrights of Dorm Mom, Inc. The use of brand features without express written permission is prohibited under the United States Trademarks Law. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
For permissions to use our trademarks, please complete the Permission Request form.

Mailing Address

Dorm Mom, Inc.
214 Amherston Drive
Williamsville, NY 14221

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Work With Us?

Do you own a laundry facility or provide cleaning services, join us by Becoming a Provider to access a whole new world of regular customers.

For college students interested in becoming a Our Representative you can Apply Here for a chance to help bring Dorm Mom on your campus.

Email Addresses

General Information:
Email Address

Order Information:
Email Address

Support Issues:
Email Address